Fonoaudiología TEL Calculator

by Simpl3Apps



TEL Calculator:It allows to quickly obtain the interpretation of the scores of the latest versions of the speech therapy tests TECAL, TEPROSIFR, TEVI-R and STSG, widely used in Chile to evaluate and diagnose Specific Language Disorder.Equipment:Daniel Rodríguez Marconi-FonoaudiólogoMarco Beraud Cornejo- ProgrammerDaniel Cifuentes Andrade - [email protected] and Editions:STSG:- Pavez MM (2010): Exploratory test of Spanish grammar of A. Toronto STSG. Third editionTEVI-R:- Echeverría, M., Herrera, M. O., & Segure, J. (2009). TEVI-R Vocabulary Test. Third editionTEPROSIF R:- Coloma, C., Maggiolo, M. & Pavez, M. (2008). Test to Evaluate Phonological Simplification Processes. Second edition. Fourth edition.TECAL:- Pavez, M.M. (2008). Test for the auditory comprehension of the language of E. Carrow TECAL